This week’s total: 6 patents and trademarks. 3 of the 4 patents go to Steve I., who designed these super fun, funky and functional motorcycle engine guards. They flash different colors in the dark, either to the beat of music or to your turn signal. One design looks like Batman wings, a second is oval and the third is a shield . Congratulations, Steve!

The other patent goes to a brother and sister team out of suburban Chicago. This is the second patent for the pair. They invented the first three-part ice cream cone last summer. They spend a lot of time tinkering in their kitchen. Their latest invention comes from their frustration making and wrapping their lunches. If you have ever struggled with tearing off a sheet of plastic wrap, only for it to twist and cling onto itself, this is for you. Top and bottom portions of the sheet are reinforced for easy gripping and pulling taut. Tiny integral hooks embedded in the reinforcements link one sheet in the roll to the next, making it super easy to dispense one at a time. They are due to receive their third patent in two weeks. See these, and other patents I’ve written at this link.
A family-owned restaurant and maker of fresh and seasonal soups is the proud owner of a new trademark, issued only 6 months after we filed. Trademark two goes to a 20-year wholesaler of beer and wine accessories, out of Lake County, Illinois. Congratulations, Mary Jo and Dave!
If you are a small business or independent inventor, a patents and trademarks give you the exclusive right to make your product or use your name. These documents, backed by the United States government, protect you from infringement AND help you secure a business loan, investors and licensing agreements. Those are some pretty powerful tools. Getting a patent or trademark is not inexpensive. The process can be slow, and it is not always easy. But if you are building a business around a product or your brand name, isn’t it worth protecting in every way you can?
Is a patent or trademark right for you? Please call me at (847) 912-3553 to learn more.