New Year, new trademark! Have you done your trademark search?
A comprehensive trademark search includes significant research at the USPTO, across multiple business registries and on the Internet. Not every client needs a trademark search, but it may save you headaches in the long run.

Lesley Wallerstein Teaches Chicago ProVisors Attorney Group about Intellectual Property Law
Today I got to wear my teacher hat and my lawyer hat at the same time. Thank you to the local ProVisors chapter for inviting me to speak. Thank you to my colleagues for welcoming me and engaging with me in a lively discussion. If you missed it, you may download my...
Six of one, half dozen of patents and trademarks
This week’s total: 6 patents and trademarks. 3 of the 4 patents go to Steve I., who designed these super fun, funky and functional motorcycle engine guards. They flash different colors in the dark, either to the beat of music or to your turn signal. One design...
A thick envelope kind of week
It was another thick envelope kind of week. Last week’s count: 1 patent, 2 trademarks. The patent issued just 6 months after filing. The examiner allowed the application immediately and without any amendment. Clients and I love when this happens. This is the third...
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