(847) 912-3553 law@wallerstein-ip.com


Raise your sleeve and raise a glass to this real life virus slayer

Raise your sleeve and raise a glass to this real life virus slayer

As our states and counties roll out the COVID-19 vaccines this spring, the law office would like to recognize a scientist who made it possible. Dr Kizzmekia Corbett is an immunologist and lead vaccine researcher at the National Institutes of Health Virus Research...

Three Happy Clients Receive New Trademarks

Three Happy Clients Receive New Trademarks

Three is a magic number. This month, three happy clients received new trademarks: We heartily congratulate Michael on his fourth trademark. Marla will be receiving a new trademark for her 60 year old restaurant.We successfully expedited the application when an...

Contact Lesley A. Wallerstein, Esq.

Please reach out to me so I can personally answer any questions you have.

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